Monday, August 20, 2007

Depressing News

Okay, so bad news readers...
if you've read my post "Pets" you'll probably now about them, my little 2 1/2 inch fire-bellied toads died!!! :'( Well, they lived for a year (even though they're supposed to live longer...)
And, -if you haven't heard- my bunny Pippy died.

And there was this lizard I got with my birthday money that died so fast that I couldn't write on my blog!
He was called a Uromastyx, Henry, the Uro.
Well, it's gettin' late and I wanna write another blog...
hope you read this one in order to continue to the first!
Thanx again for reading,



franamoly said...

Oh, baby, I'm so sorry your little froggies died. They were so cute. I know you gave them a good life, though. Is your White's tree frog okay?

Love you,
Nanny Fran

Trish said...

So sad :-(
I'm sorry to hear that.

The Happy Blue Kitty said...

Thanks for commenting,
They lived long though.
My other pets are fine!